Our middle school and high school students meet Sunday morning from 11am-noon, following the church service.  They enjoy interactions with one another over a game of pool, ping pong, or foosball, followed by teaching from the Word of God.  Small groups are also incorporated on a monthly basis during this time, allowing our teens to wrestle together in knowing how to apply Biblical truth to their everyday life.

We offer monthly activities designed to help foster a sense of community the group.  Planned activities for the 2019-20 school year include:

  • Youth Retreat (September)   
  • Church Family Game Night (October)
  • Get Air (November)   
  • Christmas Party (December)
  • Snow & Tubing Day (January)  
  • Church Family Super Bowl Party (February)
  • Nerf Party (March)
  • Pizza Bowl Party (April)   
  • Guys & Girls Night (May)   
  • Senior Retreat & VBS (June)
  • Lake Day (July) 

Because we value service, our youth are given opportunities to serve throughout the year.  Service may include assisting others at church family meals, providing support for Vacation Bible School leaders, or helping distribute food at our Food Bank.

For further questions regarding the youth ministry of Kingwood Bible Church, contact us at this link