Which God May 24, 2015 by David Van Boven Audio Exodus 3 and 4 shows God interacting with Moses about his calling to lead. God reveals his personal name Yahweh as the authority behind Moses.
When God Calls May 17, 2015 by David Van Boven Audio Exodus 3 teaches us that God has a calling for everybody. Moses’ reaction to the burning bush sounds familiar.
A Passion For Justice April 26, 2015 by David Van Boven Audio Chapter 2 of Exodus tells the back-story of Moses, who even before he was called to lead, had a passion for justice – as does God. Includes a piano solo by Christina Dykes,
God Has Eyes April 19, 2015 by David Van Boven Audio Exodus 1. Beginning of series in this Old Testament book. Music by Ryan Kargel.