Spiritual Gifts

4 Items

You are Gifted – Part 4


This is the final study on spiritual gifts.  In this message, we take a look at the rest of the gifts listed in Scripture.  While this may not be an exhaustive list of spiritual gifts, they are the gifts we are certain God has determined to give.  Following this service, opportunity to take a spiritual […]

You Are Gifted (Part 3)


This week we begin to give definition to the spiritual gifts listed in Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 1 Corinthians 12:27-31, and Ephesians 4:11-12. As you listen, consider whether the Holy Spirit has gifted you with any of these particular gifts. If none of these gifts seem to describe you, that’s ok – there’s more […]

You are Gifted – Part 2


This is a look at the passages in Scripture that list spiritual gifts (Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, 27-31; Ephesians 4:11-12). These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit as He determines, are all of great importance, and are given for the building up of the church. Can you identify how you are gifted?

You Are Gifted – Part 1


Over the next few weeks we will engage a study on spiritual gifts. The foundation being laid for this series is a look at humility and the willingness to serve. For this, our attention is drawn to Jesus who demonstrated service when He washed the disciples feet. If the greatest takes the lowest position, why […]