Sermons by David Van Boven

4960 of 85 items

Money Talks


Part 2 of 3 -part series on God and money. This message taken from Matthew 6 – The Sermon on the Mount – and verses from Proverbs about money.

Wheel of Fortune


Part 1 of series on Money as God sees it. This week based on Luke 12: 13-21 and texts from Proverbs.  Song by Anita Davis.

Soon and Very Soon


Challenge to lean forward rather than backwards in life–looking ahead to the return of Jesus. Based on 1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11.

Big Mouth


James 3:1-12 deals with the tongue and its trouble. Included is instrumental trio by Pat Veer, Peter Ellis, and Martha Schwartz

Peace in Dystopia


In Luke 8:22-39 Jesus delivers a demon possessed man. This was a rude re-entry into the world for the disciples who had been spending time with Jesus in a boat. Dystopia is the opposite of utopia. We don’t live in utopia.

Repent Already


Exodus chapter 8 deals with Pharaoh’s refusal to repent. Repentance has fallen into disrepute these days but has value for seeing God at work in our lives.

Patterns For Life


Exodus 7 gives the start of the 10 plagues. Shows how knowing God and His ways gives guidance for us in daily life. Music by Pat Veer