Sermons by David Van Boven

6172 of 85 items

Power Encounter


Exodus 4 tells of Moses’s resistance to God’s call and God’s reminder that the fear is real but He is greater than the spiritual forces Moses will encounter.

Which God


Exodus 3 and 4 shows God interacting with Moses about his calling to lead. God reveals his personal name Yahweh as the authority behind Moses.

Mothers and God


1 Samuel chapter one gives the birth of the Prophet Samuel but from his mother’s point of view. Also a look at metaphors for God that teach his nurturing nature.

A Passion For Justice


Chapter 2 of Exodus tells the back-story of Moses, who even before he was called to lead, had a passion for justice – as does God. Includes a piano solo by Christina Dykes,

Final Week – Decision Time


Number 3 in series dealing with the final week of Jesus ministry. This message deals with Matthew 21:23-46 where Jesus gives warning by parables that If they choose not to respond then God will move on.

Final Week – By Whose Authority?


#2 in series dealing with Jesus’ last week as recorded in Matthew 21, this week verses 12-27. Jesus proves to be radical in speaking truth to power and is challenged for it. He also addresses the subject of miracles.

Applied Grace – Access to Power


Based on Matthew 7:7-12 and Matthew 20:29-34 this is the last of the series called “Applied Grace” dealing with Jesus final teaching to the disciples about life after he’s gone – his time a focus on prayer and miracles in daily life.