Sermons tagged with ‘Christmas’

112 of 19 items

Wisdom from On High – Part 3


Have you made plans only to find the plans change? Joseph had plans regarding his marriage to Mary. Those plans suddenly changed when he discovered she was pregnant. Likewise, his plans of divorcing her quickly changed when an angel appeared in a dream. Joseph responded with openness. His openness lead him to apply what he […]

Wisdom from On High – Part 2


This second week of advent focuses on Being Ready.  The narrative of Mary is one of being willing to accept what God wants to do in our life.  We look at how she surrendered her life to God’s will.  God is calling us to be ready too. Listen in!

Wisdom from On High – Part 1


This first week of advent focuses on the word Faithful.  The narrative of Zechariah and Elizabeth (parents to John the Baptist) is one of faithfulness.  This account follows 400 years of God’s silence – no prophet spoke His behalf.  Still Zechariah and Elizabeth remained faithful to the Lord, and the Lord remained faithful to His […]

His Name Is (Part 4)


Today concludes the fourth Sunday studying the titles given to Jesus based on Isaiah 9:6. The final title found in the Scripture passage is “Prince of Peace.” Jesus came to bring peace and even declared it is His to give. To know Jesus is to know peace! This is also the fourth Sunday of advent […]

His Name Is (Part 3)


This message emphasizes Jesus as Everlasting Father, the description given Him by Isaiah the prophet (9:6).  We look at John 14:1-11 which describes Jesus equal with the Father, a fundamental truth taught in the pages of Scripture.  What is the significance of this doctrine?  Listen in to find out!

His Name Is (Part 2)


This second week of advent focuses on the peace available to those who trust in Jesus, the Mighty God. A title Isaiah gives the promised deliverer is Mighty God. The Old Testament teaches the might of God in numerous ways. This message recalls God’s deliverance of Israel from bondage under Pharaoh, connecting that same might […]

His Name Is (Part 1)


Titles communicate something about the person who holds the title.  They tell of someone’s skill set or perhaps area of expertise.  Isaiah 9:6 is a prophecy made concerning the coming Savior.  It includes four titles given – each one describing something true of the Messiah.   This message focuses on Jesus being a Wonderful Counselor!   […]

Jesus is Light – Christmas Eve


For this Christmas eve service, we light the final advent candle, remembering Jesus who has come into the world.  Although the world is described by the gospel writer John as being a dark place, Jesus came as light.  While light exposes that which can be hidden in darkness, it brings about what is truly good.  […]

A Plan for All People


This Christmas Eve morning worship service lights the fourth advent candle and focuses on Immanuel, meaning “God with us.”  We hear what God with us means to each of us on a practical level.  Then we focus on the rest of the nativity narrative found in Luke 2:1-20.  Humility is laced all throughout these verses […]

A Plan That Brought Change


Prophetic words from the Old Testament indicated that the coming Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth up until the final days of Mary’s pregnancy. But God had a plan, using a Roman emperor named Caesar Augustus to get his people to the exact location they needed to be.

The Plan Unfolds


For this second week of advent we consider the word “hope.”  While Mary was given opportunity to carry the Son of God, she also would have been confronted with hardship stemming from cultural stipulations placed on her.  She had to wonder how her family, her community, and even her soon-to-be husband would respond to pregnancy.  […]

A Plan from the Beginning


For this first Sunday of advent we look at the theme of promise. The promise of a Savior goes back to the beginning in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve first sinned. This promise continues to unfold as time moves forward. God knew people would choose the path of disobedience, so He provided […]