Sermons tagged with ‘Strength’

3 Items

The Source of My Strength (Part 3)


When you encounter difficulty, do you run away from or towards God?  The Sons of Korah remind us that God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1).  Rather than running away from God when hardship comes, learn to hide in God.  He is our refuge!

The Source of My Strength (Part 2)


It likely seems un-American…it certainly is not natural…but the words conveyed in 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 is the truth just the same.  Recognizing weakness is a sign of strength and something Paul went so far as to boast in!  Listen in!

The Source of My Strength (Part 1)


Who or what do you turn to find strength? This message suggests five possibilities, but then examines God’s word to Israel through the prophet Isaiah regarding strength. These words ring true for believes today!