Jesus said “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  -Matthew 22:37-39 ESV

Food Bank

We are one of the sites of the Marion-Polk Food Share.  Volunteers from our church receive food and then distribute it to the community every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. We give out food to feed 50 to 150 people each time.

Opportunities to volunteer include helping people sign in and preparing the food bags. 

Mobile Dental Van

Picture of the Mobile Dental Clinic RV in the Kingwood Parking Lot

International Teams provides free emergency dental services to our community

We have hosted the Mobile Dental Van from Medical Teams International at our church which has provided free dental care to the community around our church.

Dental work is done by professionally trained dental workers.  Volunteers can help welcome people and get the word out about the event to the community.

Neighborhood BBQ and Classic Car Show

Every summer our church puts on a BBQ in the parking lot for our community. There are activities for kids, live music, fellowship with neighbors and friends, good food, and a classic car show. People in the community enter their cars into the show and people at the BBQ get to vote on their favorite one.

Child Evangelism Fellowship

We support the Polk County Chapter of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). CEF reaches kids in our community through 5-Day Clubs in the summer and after school Good News Clubs during the school year.  Our members are involved with these clubs in both Polk and Marion counties.

CEF can always use volunteers and many commitments are just 2 hours each week.  You can contact the church or CEF (503-364-6499) for more info.

Camp Attitude

We support Camp Attitude which is a camp about an hour away from Salem.  Their focus is on helping families who have children with special needs. This is an amazing camp where parents find refreshment and kids are able to feel valued and loved. Many camps don’t have facilities for kids with special needs to safely ride horses, ride in a hot air balloon, or go tubing on a lake– but this camp does.  Each camper is paired with a buddy that serves them and befriends them the entire week.  The camp verse is: “Our attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus” from Philippians 2:5. The last few summers, our youth have volunteered for a week or more and have found a it a great way to serve and grow in the Lord.

Opportunities to volunteer include helping with work projects at the camp and volunteering at the camp.

Vacation Bible School

Each year we have a Vacation Bible School for the kids in our community.  They have a great time learning about a God who loves them and wants to know them.  Each night has a separate focus that builds on the theme of the week.  The program includes singing with hand motions, games, a story time, snacks, a short cartoon, and science projects.

There are many opportunities to serve from preparing snacks, being a group leader, telling stories in drama form, helping with games, taking pictures, and more.

Prayer Team

There is a team at Kingwood that prays for our members, visitors, and community.  They meet monthly, but pray daily.  They perform a vital function lifting up needs and concerns before our great God. They have seen many answers to prayer.  God does heal miraculously just like he did when Jesus walked on Earth.  There is nothing that is too great for our God.

The Prayer Team is open to people dedicated to the Kingwood family.