Applied Faith: Passing Batons
Acts 6:1-7; 13:1-3; 16:1-5 all deal with passing batons in the early church.
Acts 6:1-7; 13:1-3; 16:1-5 all deal with passing batons in the early church.
Ecclesiastes 11 and 12 contain wisdom about looking forward rather than backward.
In Matthew 12:30-37 Jesus warns that every word we speak matters to God. Multiple Proverbs give ideas for control. Also, a song by Ryan Kargel
Ephesians 4:1-16 deals with the Church as the Body of Jesus
Ephesians 5:21-6:9 deals with application of God’s principles for our closest relationships. Just as charity begins at home so does discipleship.
Matthew 16:13-28 tells of Peter’s confession of faith in Jesus. Jesus then tells of the “Church” being built on that confession. Also song by Peter Ellis.
Matthew 3:13–4:11 tells the story of Jesus’ baptism and then temptation in the wilderness by Satan. Jesus as savior and Lord we get. But Jesus as model for living is less well known.
The story of David and Goliath is a classic but has much to teach about faith against long odds. 1 Samuel 17:1-58