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Take Heart

Listen in to our guest speaker Josh Yates,  Associate Director of Sonlife Ministries, as he share four passages where Jesus said to “Take heart.”

Esther: A Reversal Story (Part 4)

Listen in to the last part of the series on Esther. In this sermon you will hear about how God rescued the Jews from destruction.

Esther: A Reversal Story (Part 3)

Do you recognize you are here, right now, for a particular purpose? If you do, it does not mean God will never direct you elsewhere, but it does bring a greater sense of intention to your existence. This is true even when you feel you are surrounded by many who oppose your value system. Mordecai […]

Esther: A Reversal Story (Part 2)

Sometimes in life you may feel as though things go from bad to worse. This certainly was the case for Esther and Mordecai. Due to an unwillingness on the part of Mordecai to bow down to Haman, King Xerxes was influenced to annihilate the entire race of Mordecai’s people. This account serves as a reminder […]

Esther: A Reversal Story (Part 1)

This message the introduction to the book of Esther. It sets the stage for the events that take place, looking at some of the major characters involved. The overarching theme of God’s providence in the book of Esther is shared, although not evident within the first chapter and a half. When we don’t see God’s […]

Jesus-Centered Teaching

This is a stand-alone message examining forgiveness. Prior to the message, Kingwood gathered to observe communion. In light of the forgiveness we have received from the cross of Christ, does it not make sense that we would be the very ones who extend forgiveness to others?

One Word: Church

What word comes to mind when you hear the word church? For most, the first (and perhaps only) thing that comes to mind is a building. However, church is people – all those who have placed their faith in Jesus. This puts people in relationship to church and being part of church is a privilege […]

One Word: Friendship

Friendship is something people often feels others have mastered but believe they have not. If you are one of those people, you’re not alone. This message examines the gift of friendship, emphasizing God’s perspective. Listen in!

One Word: Humility

Is it possible to self-assess humility? If one believes he/she has a posture of humility, does that disqualify him/her from humility? A quick glance at Scripture and it becomes obvious God cares about humility. How does one gain a perspective of greater humility? Listen in to discover.

One Word: Revival (Guest Speaker)

This message is given by Gil Harder, missionary to Kenya with JARON Ministries International. Gil continues the “One Word” series focusing on the word revival. Listen in and be challenged! Please Note: Due to the length of the service, the end of the sermon was not recorded.  Recording is 43 minutes long even with the […]