Posts from

211220 of 253 items

Trust In God

Terry Brensinger, president of MB Biblical Seminary in Fresno, CA, uses Isaiah 31:1-3 as a challenge to trust God rather than politicians or other worldly powers.

Body Life

Study of the church and spiritual gifts taken from 1 Corinthians,  chapter 12

Unintended Consequences

Last of a 3 part series on God’s view of money. Taken from 1 Kings 3, the story of Solomon’s prayer for wisdom rather than riches.

Money Talks

Part 2 of 3 -part series on God and money. This message taken from Matthew 6 – The Sermon on the Mount – and verses from Proverbs about money.

Wheel of Fortune

Part 1 of series on Money as God sees it. This week based on Luke 12: 13-21 and texts from Proverbs.  Song by Anita Davis.

Longing for Home

Study of heaven and hell based on the teachings of Revelations 20 and 21.

Soon and Very Soon

Challenge to lean forward rather than backwards in life–looking ahead to the return of Jesus. Based on 1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11.

Approaching the Bench

The Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6 provides principles for prayer – given by Jesus himself. Also, music by Ryan Kargel.

Big Mouth

James 3:1-12 deals with the tongue and its trouble. Included is instrumental trio by Pat Veer, Peter Ellis, and Martha Schwartz

The Other Battle

A look at the part we can play in the spiritual battle between light and darkness in the world. Based on Ephesians 5:1-20