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Applied Grace – Not Cheap Grace

Matthew 19:16-30 – Part of the series called “Applied Grace” based on Matthew 19 and 20. This story of the rich young man is Jesus teaching the disciples that the gospel of grace is not about compromise but about transformation.

Applied Grace – Natural Law

Number 2 in the Applied Grace series dealing with the tension lines of life in the real world. This message deals with natural law and is taken from Romans 1:18 – 2:4 dealing with universal moral standards.

Applied Grace – Marriage and Divorce

This series, covering Matthew 19 and 20, in which Jesus is preparing his disciples for living on the tension lines of true discipleship. Applying grace to real world circumstances isn’t always easy or black and white. This first in the series deals with Matthew 19:1-12 where Jesus addresses the issue of divorce, marriage, and singleness.

How To Be Afraid

Fear is not always bad. Fear is biblical and helps us keep God as God. Message by Peter Ellis on Philippians 2:5-12

Resolutions With Power

Starting the new year with personal  inventory of character and attitude issues taken from Ephesians 4:25 through 5:2

Mindfulness – Ecclesiastes 3

Ending a year with focus on time and eternity–the big picture, Ecclesiastes 3 made a great late 60’s song for The Byrds but the words were right there all along. Peter Ellis sings “Turn, Turn, Turn” at the end of this message.

Jesus Team – Simeon and Anna

#2 in 4 part series about the personalities around Jesus on the first Christmas. Focus is on the visit to the temple when Jesus was a child.

Who Is Jesus – The King

#4 of a 4 part series on the essential nature of Jesus – based on Matthew 24 where Jesus predicts his own return as King and ruler rather than servant.