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One Word: Anxiety

There is much in life that can lead a person to anxiety. Yet Scripture instructs, “Do not be anxious about anything…” (Phil. 4:6). Wow! What a tall order. Anxiety is real, yet the verses around this instruction give attention to what a mind is to focus on instead. Listen in!

One Word: Loneliness

People today have grown significantly more connected via the internet.  Social media encourages connectivity; yet while connectivity through this means has increased, so has the sense of loneliness and despair.  How does Scripture guide someone who is feeling the sting of loneliness?  This message takes a look at answering that question.  

One Word: Baptism

Today is a day of celebration for the Kingwood family! Baptism symbolizes that new life has been found through faith in Jesus. Baptism also indicates signs of new in the church. Today we examine this one word “baptism.” The message is followed up with the baptism of four believers!

One Word: Fellowship

People are wired to connect with others. Regardless of personality type, all people to varying degrees, need others for mutual sharing and spiritual encouragement. This message looks at what Scripture says in light of this one word!

One Word: Assurance

While salvation experiences differ for believers, there is one thing all hold in common – the desire to be assured of one’s salvation.  The good news – God wants believers to be assured of their salvation too!  This message examines Scriptural truth to give believers assurance of their salvation.  

One Word: Communion

This message is the introduction to our summer series “One Word.” The word considered in this message: Communion. What does it mean? Why has the church historically referred to the Lord’s Supper as Communion? What other questions might we ask in light of Communion? Listen in to discover the answer.

Father’s Day Message

This message today is especially for fathers, focusing on the challenges Christian men are faced with as well as how fathers can thrive in the midst of those challenges.

Teach These Things (Part 3)

This is the final message in a mini-series from the letters Paul wrote to a young pastor in 1 & 2 Timothy.  This message notes the common thread of instruction given surrounding the plea to Timothy to teach these things.  What is that common thread?  Listen to discover.  

Teach These Things (Part 2)

This message continues to look at a letter Paul wrote to Timothy, a young pastor giving leadership in the church at Ephesus. Paul’s instruction to Timothy was to “teach these things.” If there are certain things Timothy was to teach, what are they? This message highlights what Timothy was to teach.

Teach These Things (Part 1)

The books 1 & 2 Timothy were written to a young pastor overseeing a church in Ephesus. One can imagine may have gone through Timothy’s head as the task at hand likely seemed bigger than what he felt capable of. Paul writes to encourage Timothy to teach certain things to the church. What things did […]