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Galatians: Jesus+Nothing=Everything

In a few short verses Paul describes two approaches which determine the health of a church.  The approaches are polar opposite.  One leads to destruction.  Does that give you a clue where the other one leads? Scripture: Galatians 5:13-15

Galatians: Jesus + Nothing = Everything

Legalism: treating that which is good as though it were essential. The Galatian believers took circumcision and made it essential in the life of a believer. Paul told them if they did this (i.e. look to circumcision as something that enhances their relationship with God), Christ will be of no value to them (5:2). This […]

Galatians: Jesus + Nothing = Everything!

Do you know who you are?  Has your identity been identified?  Paul says you are a son/daughter of God – not a slave.  Your freedom is found in Christ.  A figurative illustration is given using Hagar and Sarah, driving home the point all the more: you are not under the Mosaic law; you are a […]

Galatians: Jesus + Nothing = Everything!

Galatians 4 continues to draw attention to “sonship.”  Paul tells the Galatian believers they are sons (daughters), not slaves forming a very intimate relationship with God the Father.  As children who have been freed from bondage, the challenge is heard: don’t go back!  What might this bondage be?  Listen in!

Galatians: Jesus + Nothing = Everything (Part 5)

Part This message focuses on the second half of Galatians 3, continuing to remind the reader that salvation is by faith. To drive this point home further Paul says that Abraham was declared righteous years before the Mosaic law was even given. So Paul asks an excellent question: what is the purpose of the law […]

Galatians: Jesus + Nothing = Everything (Part 4)

The apostle Paul had some sharp words for the Galatian believers recorded in the third chapter of Galatians. He presented them with a question, an illustration, and closes this section (3:1-14) by reminding these believers that relying on the Mosaic Law puts them under a curse. But this is the very reason why Jesus came! […]

Galatians: Jesus + Nothing = Everything (Part 3)

Paul writes to the Galatian believers, confronting a desire many had to return to the Mosaic Law.  Here we are 2,000 years later and these words originally spoken are just as relevant today.  This message focused on the confrontation Paul had with Peter. Unfortunately due to technical difficulties, this sermon was recorded.

Galatians – Jesus + Nothing = Everything (Part 2)

The apostle Paul addresses churches in Galatia, believers who were both Jew and non-Jew. Because the church was in its infant stage, one can imagine some of the conflicts they dealt with – especially considering many had come to faith in Jesus out of Judaism. Paul says the words He has for these believers are […]

Introduction to Galatians

This message is the introduction to the book of Galatians, looking specifically at the first 10 verses.  The apostle Paul, human author of this book, writes of his astonishment to churches in Galatia who were so quickly deserting the One who had called them.  Who is the One who called them?  And what happens when […]

Are We There Yet?

Have you taken a road trip with family or friends and heard these words echo through the vehicle? Sometimes they are said with frustration and sometimes with jest. Either way, it’s nice to know where we are going and how long until we will be there. Church families are similar. It is nice to know […]