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Christmas Eve Message

God’s plans prevail! God used ordinary people to accomplish His purposes. The simple message is heard: God’s plans prevail…despite who we are or what we believe we have to offer. If we are willing to bow our knee to Jesus, God uses us in carrying out His plans. Even if we refuse to bow our […]

His Name Is (Part 4)

Today concludes the fourth Sunday studying the titles given to Jesus based on Isaiah 9:6. The final title found in the Scripture passage is “Prince of Peace.” Jesus came to bring peace and even declared it is His to give. To know Jesus is to know peace! This is also the fourth Sunday of advent […]

His Name Is (Part 3)

This message emphasizes Jesus as Everlasting Father, the description given Him by Isaiah the prophet (9:6).  We look at John 14:1-11 which describes Jesus equal with the Father, a fundamental truth taught in the pages of Scripture.  What is the significance of this doctrine?  Listen in to find out!

His Name Is (Part 2)

This second week of advent focuses on the peace available to those who trust in Jesus, the Mighty God. A title Isaiah gives the promised deliverer is Mighty God. The Old Testament teaches the might of God in numerous ways. This message recalls God’s deliverance of Israel from bondage under Pharaoh, connecting that same might […]

His Name Is (Part 1)

Titles communicate something about the person who holds the title.  They tell of someone’s skill set or perhaps area of expertise.  Isaiah 9:6 is a prophecy made concerning the coming Savior.  It includes four titles given – each one describing something true of the Messiah.   This message focuses on Jesus being a Wonderful Counselor!   […]

God Has Come to Help Us

When did you last attend a funeral? Remember the vibe you sensed while there? It was this same feeling that many people were experiencing in this account with Jesus. A widow has lost her only son and Jesus stops the funeral procession in a way that no one would ever forget. Listen in!

Am I Available (Part 1)

A new mini-series is introduced in this message called “Am I Available?” focusing on our availability to allow God to use us however He deems best. The foundational truth wrestled with in this message is this: I am not my own. Once we recognize that we have been purchased by the blood of Jesus and […]

Twists & Turns (Part 6)

This is the conclusion of a six week series on the life of Joseph, looking at the “twists and turns” his life took. This message looks at the interaction of 11 brothers with Joseph as well as well as Joseph revealing his true identity to them. Joseph recognized God’s ultimate purpose in spite of evil […]

Twists & Turns (Part 5)

Have you been wronged by someone in the past and find it difficult to forgive? Perhaps with the passing of time you really struggle to forgive and find that bitterness has taken root and growing. As we continue to study the life of Joseph we learn at least 20 years have gone by when his […]

Twists & Turns (Part 4)

After 13 years of slavery and imprisonment, Joseph was elevated to second in command in Egypt. In the matter of hours, he went from “pit” to palace. That which God promised to Joseph years prior through two dreams was beginning to become a reality. All the pain he endured was now turning to the fulfillment […]